Message From a Daughter: Blackout Poem

Message from a Daughter

I know it may seem early, but

we will be leaving…

(The dead rise again,

others don’t get what they want.

No nightmares.

Just a twisted sick joke.

Leave the fools! - 

whatever the laughing stock has promised in tribute…)

Our final departure will conclude…

(A dead man walking,


not going anywhere.

A short season, guaranteed to end.


You will doubtless have come to me at home - 

You missed me.

You’ve probably been wondering what has been going on.

Would you believe it’s been nearly three years?

(I stutter.)

How human and fallible you are!

Though, of course, accepted by everyone;

apart from…

Poor, old darling!

I now see that this difficult process

will require compromise.

Compromise I can promise you.

My message doesn’t mean

setting fire to broken promises.

It’s time to go back…

The picture is temporary, I think you’ll agree.

The perfect place for us…

The perfect place.


SIN Magazine